3-8 Years Dual Purpose Mix For Light To Medium Loams
From: £6.73
Designed to perform on light and medium loams providing good grazing and cutting for hay or silage. The inclusion of deep-rooted cocksfoot makes this an excellent choice for drought prone or infertile soils. Read more
Main Features
- Works well in a field with a mixture of soil types
- Suited to a tight grazing regime
- Under sow within 3 days of sowing cereals
- Sow direct in the autumn or in the spring with westerwolds.
- Treat with 150kg/hectare 15N.15P.30K in March and 100kg/hectare 20N.0P.0K in August
22% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate BOYNE
11% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate CALEDON (T)
15% Perennial Ryegrass Late TODDINGTON
6% Perennial Ryegrass Late CALLAN
9% Perennial Ryegrass Late BIJOU (T)
6% Perennial Ryegrass Late ALFONSO (T)
7% Cocksfoot DICEROS
14% Timothy COMER
3% White Clover Large Leafed ALICE
1% White Clover Medium Leafed MERWI
2% White Clover Medium Leafed CRUSADER
1% White Clover Small Leafed DEMAND
Sowing Rate
36kg/hectare or 15kg/acre
Please Note
We reserve the right to substitute any variety in short supply with one of similar SRUC rating.