Permanent Pasture For Light To Medium Soils
From: £6.53
Long term grass for hill and drought prone areas. Tolerates harsh weather and harsh grazing. Read more
Main Features
- Provides good grazing for cattle and sheep
- Medium and small leafed clovers help to create a perfect sole of grass
- Inclusion of smooth stalked meadow grass reduces poaching
- Can be under sown but better establishment comes from direct sowings
- Treat with 150kg/hectare 15N.15P.30K in March and 100kg/hectare 20N.10P.10K in August if necessary
7% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate BOYNE
8% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate NIFTY
8% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate SEAGOE (T)
8% Perennial Ryegrass Late TODDINGTON
7% Perennial Ryegrass Late SMILE
7% Perennial Ryegrass Late DRUMBO
11% Perennial Ryegrass Late ASPECT (T)
11% Perennial Ryegrass Late ALFONSO (T)
6% Cocksfoot Lidacta
6% Cocksfoot Sparta
13% Timothy Comer
1% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass MIRACLE
1% White Clover Medium Leafed BUDDY
4% White Clover Medium Leafed CRUSADER
2% White Clover Small Leafed DEMAND
Sowing Rate
36kg/hectare or 15kg/acre