4-5 Year Herbal Ley
From: £8.81
Our herbal ley mix provides wholesome and substantial forage for grazing and occasional cutting. This varied mix of grasses, legumes and herbs provides grazing for early turnout and continues to produce forage right through the summer and autumn. Containing deep-rooting ingredients, this ley not only improves soil structure but also draws up essential vitamins and minerals for the ruminant animal. Read more
Main Features
- Increasing in popularity year on year
- Animal health benefits
- Improves soil fertility
- Once established requires minimal fertiliser
- Best sown direct from April to September
- Treat with 100kg/hectare 15N.15P.15K to establish
16.70% Hybrid Ryegrass PIROL Cert
16.60% Perennial Ryegrass BIJOU (T)
16.60% Timothy COMER
8.30% Meadow Fescue PARDUS
8.30% Festulolium PERUN
6.90% Red Clover GLOBAL
2.80% Alsike Clover DAWN
2.80% White Clover ARAN
3.50% White Clover N.Z. DEMAND
5.60% Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover
4.20% Chicory PUNA 11
1.40% Ribgrass
4.20% Burnet
0.70% Yarrow
1.40% Sheep’s Parsley
Sowing Rate
36.00kg/hectare or 15.00kg/acre
Please Note
We reserve the right to substitute any variety in short supply with one of similar SRUC rating.