Frequently Asked Questions
Looking for answers? Take a look at our FAQs here.
If what you're looking for isn't covered here then feel free to contact us directly by phone or email.

Product Information
The standard bag size is 25kg and so we will make up your order with multiple 25kg bags with any additional kgs required being supplied in a clearly labelled bag.
Arable silage mixtures may be supplied in either 25kg or 500kg bags. Please indicate your preference in the comments section during checkout.
Ordering Online
R.M. Welch & Son Ltd. uses the very latest security systems including data encryption and SSL (Single Socket Layer) to ensure online payment information is completely safe.
Our Web Store and Server are regularly scanned and verified by Security Metrics. No debit or credit card information is retained within our store database, server database, office computer system or any form of ledger once a transaction has been completed.