3-5 Year Cutting And Grazing Plus Soil Improver
From: £7.05
A medium term cutting and grazing mix providing good yields of silage and grazing for cattle or sheep. This mix has a high white clover content which means it has a low nitrogen requirement once established. Read more
Main Features
- Cutting and grazing mixture for cattle or sheep
- Undersow within 3 days of sowing cereal
- White clover will form dense sward that requires P & K only.
- Sow direct in autumn or in spring with westerwolds added.
- Treat with 150kg 15N.15P.15K per hectare
19% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate BOYNE
18% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate CALEDON (T)
15% Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate TODDINGTON
10% Perennial Ryegrass Late ALFONSO (T)
8% Hybrid Ryegrass PIROL17% Timothy COMER
3% White Clover Large Leafed ARAN
6% White Clover Large Leafed ALICE
2% White Clover Medium Leafed CRUSADER
2% White Clover Small Leafed DEMAND
Sowing Rate
30kg/hectare or 12kg/acre
Please Note
We reserve the right to substitute any variety in short supply with one of similar SRUC rating.