Bee Mix
From: £7.72
A meadow style mix specifically designed to attract bees, ideal for the corner of a field or a margin. Read more
20.00% Crested Dogstail SOUTHLAND Cert.
20.00% Meadow Fescue SENU Cert,
20.00% Creeping Red Fescue DIPPER Cert.
15.00% Sheeps Fescue BORNITO Cert.
5.00% Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass Evora Cert.
5.00% Sainfoin Cert.
3.00% Red Clover Cert.
3.00% Alsike Clover Cert.
3.00% Birdsfoot Trefoil Cert.
3.00% Common Vetch Cert.
3.00% Black Medick
Sowing Rate
20.00kg/hectare or 8 kg/acre