Wild Bird 1 Year Mixture
From: £1.41
Our 1 year mix provides a large selection of seeds for feed during Autumn and Winter for small birds and mammals. Particularly popular with sparrows, finches and the elusive corn bunting. Attracts beneficial insects when flowering in the summer and is popular with bee keepers Read more
Main Features
- Sow in May/June
- Treat with a small amount of 20N-10P-10K to establish
46.00% Oats
46.00% Barley
1.00% Quinoa
2.00% Oilseed Radish
1.00% Mustard
1.00% Crimson Clover
1.50% Phacelia, Balo
1.50% Borage
Sowing Rate
Sow @ 75.00kg/hectare or 30.00kg/acre